Diamond Within – Diamond Spectrum Healing
We are all a perfect Diamond, our energy is pure. We ask the angels to work in conjunction with the diamond energy to shift blocks within us and allow our true potential to shine, enabling more confidence and belief in ourselves to come through. You are then given the opportunity to see your role in this lifetime and realise your true potential. you can read an article done by Kindred spirit in issue 101, Nov/Dec 2009 here.
The Butterfly Experience
This workshop was channelled to be by a beautiful star-being, helping you through a series of techniques to bring you into your light body towards self transformation. For those of you who feel different, who feel you don’t belong to planet earth and have difficulties with living with other people. Been sensitive to the vibrations of the earth and also having difficulties with diet, then this workshop will certainly help you.
I will describe a recent workshop, I have to say no one workshop is the same, as it depends on who is attending, what work needs to be done and also the star-beings that come through are all so different.
I always start the day with a meditation this just brings the group together and so we unite our energies as one, usually the guided meditation, channelled to me is significant in helping to clear and align your energies to accept the new vibrations that will be made available to you. This particular meditation was supported by the Emissaries of Light from Orion, Zirius and the Pleidies. The Guardian was the one who took us to a wonderful temple that refracted light everywhere and where many afterwards related to me how large they felt and a real feeling of not wanting to come back from this wonderful place.
Afterwards I went into trance to channel a star-being to guide you, this beautiful being came through and her voice was so loving and soft that the whole group was overcome with emotion because of the love that eminated from her. Her message was about our beautiful light body, how if we saw others in this way then we would not judge people from what they looked like from the outside and their personalities, we would only see the beauty of their radiant light. Through my eyes I could only see these amazing prisms of light coming down into the room, the whole energy was prisms, we are pure light and she wishes to remind everyone of this. People were in complete bliss and after I brought myself back into my body we all just sat, I would have stayed with this star-being all day. People commented that this was what they had wanted to feel for so long and it really took their breath literally away in the feeling of love and contentment, her Pleidian energy was wonderful.
Comments afterwards were very different from everyone, one lady who had been suffering from arthritis in her back and hips for years, found that after the morning meditation that she had no pain at all and proceeded to touch her toes at lunch time because she had not been able to do this for a very long time. She was in her seventies and decided to go dancing that night, because she could!!
Another lady whom I was staying with had a completely different reaction, she became very tired; this might have been due to the fact that she had done the Angelic Initiations the day before and also to the way that the Pleidians were aligning her lightbody. Within the meditation she had an out of body experience and really didn’t want to come back into her body, feeling it was too large for her. After the workshop she rested and then had a very up-set stomach, but we both felt that these star-beings were doing a major detox on her. She looked fantastic the next day, much lighter in body and mind.
This workshop changes depending on the group participating; In the past I have had dolphins and whales attending to us, which is also very powerful and extremely up-lifting. You will know if you are meant to attend because the above words will call to you.
If you want to know more about The Butterfly Experience contact me via the contact page.
White Light of the Unicorns
Unicorn energy is becoming stronger every day, they are the purest energy available, the spiral of their horn goes deep, healing past and present issues and allowing us to live a more fulfilled and happy life.
I have found working with Unicorns is very interesting indeed, as they seem to see things differently from us and have shown some very interesting healing experiences which make so much sense but would not be something that I personally would have thought about.